Session 21 - The One Where Having No Plan Seemed To Work

28th Mar 2021 19:15 - 22:30 In-game timeline: DR1489 Elesias 24 - Eleasias 24 We find our "Heroes" standing before a strange pedestal and a concave mirror in a darkly stained room. Just a usual day, then. Some time is spent discussing what the pedestal, and the whole device, could be used for and how it may work. Carro uses his well-honed "track something on a carpet" skill to good effect, and decides something was, or somethings were, dragged over the carpet towards the 'servants' stairs at the back of the Manor, where he loses the trail in the deep pile of the carpet. The group conclude from the top of the pedestal, and the graffiti, that they may be looking for a set of four, differently coloured, stones. Or marbles. It certainly seemed as if someone had lost their marbles. TC continued to stare at the carpet suspiciously. A plan is decided upon. They are going to head back to the basement to question the two humans who seemed to be locked behind iron bar...