Session 24 - The One Where Carro Kept Dodging
22nd Oct 2021 19:15 - 22:30 In-game timeline: DR1489 Elesias 29 - Eleasias 29 Our "Heroes" need to rest for a short while after a difficult battle with spiders, big and small. Luckily they are not disturbed during their rest, and after resting they search around the messy captain's cabin. TC digs out a small pouch of rubies from the mud in front of the strange altar to a still unidentified Goddess. Carro and Kandi rummage through the old captain's desk and find the captains log. Reading through the log, the final entry seems much more detailed than the others. Between them they work out that it was written in some hidden code - when translated, the captain was telling of their imminent capture by Bree, who he explained was a drow, and had a pet will-o-wisp. They suspected they would be taken as slaves or killed. The code also mentions that the lockbox, which the party were looking for, had been dropped into the cargo hold. Reacting to this information, and still feeli...