
Showing posts from May, 2022

Session 35 - The One Where Singing Bob Dies

6th May 2022 In-game timeline: DR1489 Eleint 20 - Eleint 24 Our "Heroes" stay the night in Whitewater and head back to Neverwinter the following morning. Carro is a little quiet on the journey, having had a slightly restless and dream-filled night. Upon arrival at the large city, Mahtis heads off to find Devon, TC visits Togruk and Kandi manages to find passage for them all on a ship heading close to Abbey Isle the following morning. In the afternoon they all meet up again and share their recent experiences and information with each other.  Carro heads with Kandi to a local library and looks up information on legends based around the area of the elven High Forest. Surrounded by hundreds of books, and having very little time, Carro just picks out the first book that seems relevant to the area, which seems to relate to a legend concerning a Siren named Angelica and the village of Mistloch. It was all very interesting and Carro took copious notes. Kandi, meanwhile, sat outside t...

Sessions 32, 33, 34 - The Ones Where They Tried to Hang a Witch

27th Mar, 1st Apr and 17th Apr 2022 In-game timeline: DR1489 Eleint 20 - Eleint 20 Our "Heroes" leave Neverwinter in the early morning, hoping to arrive in the nearby town of Whitewater by lunchtime. The journey is an easy one and they arrive without incident. Crossing the bridge into the town of Whitewater, they see a very pretty town, very basic as befits its reputation as a puritanical town. The outskirts of the town seem quite empty, and they see people, presumably inhabitants of the town, walking quickly towards the centre of the town. Our "heroes" follow the general trend, and walk towards the town centre. TC stops a middle aged lady heading in the same general direction, and asks what the fuss is all about. He is told that there is a hanging about to take place in the town of a suspected witch, or maybe multiple hangings of multiple witches. The group continues on and reaches the town square, that indeed seems to be set up for a hanging, with three gallows se...