Session 42 - A Close Shave
23rd October 2022 In-game timeline: DR1489 Eleint 26 - Eleint 27 Our "Heroes" engaged in a difficult battle with Bayleaf (the guard), Ogmund, Braydol and Sophia (the clerics). The party (eventually!) decided to attack the temple building directly, even though they had no idea how many people were In there, but were met with 2 spiritual weapons that attacked them as they closed in on the building. Bayleaf then ran out and engaged Kandi, who was loitering quite close to the door. Two clerics were hiding behind the doors, looking out only to control their Spiritual Warhammers that were clobbering TC. TC engaged Bayleaf to try to help Kandi - but he ended up quite battered, especially when Ogmund managed to paralyse him for a turn. Mahtis heated up Bayleaf's spear, but he held on to it, and Ogmund dispelled the magic before it could do too much harm. TC threw off his paralysis and got some well-needed hits on Bayleaf, who seemed remarkably resilient and strong. TC eventually ...